Net Positions
This API retrieves the net position for a specific account or set of accounts. It provides detailed information on current holdings, positions, and their associated values, allowing users to track and manage their investments effectively.
Header Parameters
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Request Parameter
Parameter | Value | Mandatory | Description |
source | M | Y | Source of the request (e.g., "M") |
interop_flag | IP | Y | Indicates the interoperation flag status (e.g., IP). |
Response Parameter
Parameter | Description |
symbol | The stock symbol or code for the holding (e.g., "RELIANCE"). |
net_qty | The net quantity of the stock held (negative for short positions). |
sell_avg | The average sell price of the stock. |
buy_avg | The average buy price of the stock. |
gross_val | The gross value of the position. |
instrument | The type of instrument (e.g., "EQUITY"). |
realised_profit | The realized profit from the position. |
client_id | The client identifier. |
tot_buy_val_cf | The total buy value carried forward. |
tot_sell_qty | The total sell quantity. |
last_traded_price | The last traded price of the stock. |
tot_buy_qty_cf | The total buy quantity carried forward. |
segment | The segment of the stock (e.g., "E" for Equity). |
gross_qty | The gross quantity of the stock. |
lot_size | The lot size for the instrument. |
security_id | The security ID of the stock (e.g., "500325" for Reliance Industries). |
strike_price | The strike price for options (0 if not applicable). |
cost_price | The cost price of the stock. |
tot_sell_val | The total sell value of the position. |
product | The product type (e.g., "C" for Cash). |
tot_sell_val_cf | The total sell value carried forward. |
comm_multiplier | The commission multiplier. |
net_avg | The net average value of the position. |
expiry_date | The expiry date for derivative contracts (default value if not applicable). |
mtm | The mark-to-market value of the position. |
rbi_reference_rate | The RBI reference rate. |
tot_sell_qty_cf | The total sell quantity carried forward. |
tot_sell_val_day | The total sell value for the day. |
tot_buy_val | The total buy value of the position. |
net_val | The net value of the position. |
display_name | The display name of the stock (e.g., "Reliance Industries"). |
exchange_inst_name | The exchange and instrument name. |
cross_cur_flag | The cross-currency flag status (e.g., "N"). |
tot_buy_val_day | The total buy value for the day. |
series | The series of the stock (e.g., "A"). |
tot_sell_qty_day | The total sell quantity for the day. |
opt_type | The option type (e.g., "NA" if not applicable). |
exchange | The exchange where the stock is traded (e.g., "BSE" / NSE). |
tot_buy_qty_day | The total buy quantity for the day. |
tot_buy_qty | The total buy quantity of the position. |
mkt_type | The market type (e.g., "NL" for normal). |
isin | The ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) of the stock (e.g., "INE002A01018"). |
Last updated