Order Margin
Margin Calculator API delivers the real time margin calculations for a basket of positions.
Header Parameters
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Request Parameter
Parameter | Sample/Possible Value | Mandatory | Remarks |
exchange | NSE | Y | Exchange |
segment | E | Y | In Segment E stands for Equity |
security_id | 1996 | Y | Security ID |
txn_type | B | Y | Transaction Type |
totalremqty | 9 | Y | Quantity |
price | 0.00 | Y | Order price (for market pass 0) |
product | C | Y | Product |
trigger_price | 10.00 | Y | Trigger price (In case of CO this value should be trigger price of SL leg and in case of BO this value should be absolute) |
Response Parameter
Field | Description |
INSFFBALNC | Insufficient balance in the account (floating-point number). |
VARELMMARGIN | Variation margin, the funds required to bring the margin balance up to the initial margin during the trading day. |
AVAILBALANCE | Available balance in the account (floating-point number). |
BROKERAGE | Brokerage fee charged for executing trades or services (floating-point number). |
TOTMARGIN | Total margin held in the account, typically required for trading derivatives (floating-point number). |
EXPOMARGIN | Exposure margin required for exposure to risks (floating-point number). |
SPANMARGIN | SPAN margin determined by exchanges for futures/options contracts (floating-point number). |
BROKER_BROKERAGE | Specific type of brokerage fee (integer). |
LEVIES_BROKERAGE | Levies or additional charges associated with brokerage (integer). |
OTHER_BROKERAGE | Other brokerage-related charges or fees (integer). |
Last updated