Order Convert To delivery
This API converts an intraday (I) position to a delivery (C) position for a specific security on the exchange. The backend processes the request by validating the provided credentials and order details, updating the order's status and type in the trading system, and then confirming the successful conversion.
Header Parameters
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Request Parameter
Parameter | Value | Mandatory | Remarks |
exchange | NSE | Y | The exchange where the transaction takes place, it can be NSE/BSE. |
segment | E | Y | The market segment, where "E" might stand for "Equity". |
security_id | 14366 | Y | The unique identifier for the security being traded. |
quantity | 2 | Y | Non-zero integer value |
txn_type | B | Y | B for buy position, S for sell position |
mkt_type | N | Y | Default value is NL |
product_from | I | Y | Original product while placing order. |
product_to | C | Y | Change to new product. |
user_type | C/D | Y | C – Client, D - Dealer |
Parameter | Description |
Status | “success” |
Message | “Some Message” |
Data | An object containing the details of the order. |
order_no | Order specific identification number. |
Last updated